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"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

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Thank You

for Helping Us Reach OuR Goal!

This project is now complete.

The holidays are such a special time to spend with family and friends and to reflect on the precious moments in our lives that bring us joy. Unfortunately, the nostalgia of the holidays can also spark a lot of grieving and sadness. Many of us are reminded of a loved one who is no longer with us or of other pains. “The best of times and the worst of times,” if you will. Unfortunately, many spend the holidays feeling unloved, hopeless, and depressed. Now more than ever, it is important for us to check in on one another. Spread joy, we all need a little extra.



We are trying to spread holiday cheer during this chaotic year by gifting 60 underprivileged teens in SOS’s program with personalized presents at the SOS Christmas party this holiday season. If you’re looking for a place to give (though I know lots of great causes vie for donations this time of year), consider helping us bless these teens with the best Christmas presents! A little goes a long way. If you are located in the Brazos Valley area, we could use your help wrapping presents -- please reach out!

Christmas Lights
Holiday Tag
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